The scheme within the ceiling of Rs 2,873.13 crore--Rs.1,000.84 crore as CSS(Centrally Sponsored Schemes); Rs 1,526.14 crore as ACA (Additional Central Assistance) and SPA (Special Plan Assistance) and Rs 346.15 crore as beneficiary contribution] subject to certain stipulations.
The following are the stipulations;
(a) The unit costs of the activities would be worked out and approved by the Sector Specific Technical Committees at the State level which would have a representative from the Ministry concerned, before the programme starts;
(b) Requisite approvals and clearances would be obtained for individual components of the proposal as may be required
(c) Provisions will be made for adequate capacity building for obtaining technical expertise and for marketing and other linkages, as well as for greater value addition;
(d) Forest and environment clearances for implementation of the project would be obtained where necessary;
(e) In the event of upward revision in the norms of CSSs and Government funding or the Government of Mizoram leveraging more funds from other CSSs and CSs(Central Schemes), the share for ACA and SPA will be correspondingly reduced; The programme seeks to benefit 1,20,000 families over a period of five years for select livelihood activities.
All Jhumia families will switch over to permanent livelihood activities having ownership of land access to link roads, irrigation, water harvesting and would get remunerative prices for produces.
A judicious mix of agri-horticultural activities, animal husbandry, fisheries, agro-forestry and micro-enterprise is expected to increase income by 7-10 times compared to income from jhuming at present.
The overall growth of economy will increase from about 6 per cent to 16 per cent in 10 years time. The main components of the project are (i) schematic (activity specific) beneficiary component and (ii) infrastructure component.
The livelihood activity would include land reclamation, agri-horticultural and plantation crops, medicinal plants, animal husbandry, fishery, sericulture, bamboo plantation and micro-enterprise.
For management of the project there will be a 3-tier structure, namely, the State Level NLUP Apex Board (with a functional team as the NLUP Implementing Board), District Level NLUP Committees and Village Level NLUP committees.
The Village Level Committees would prepare land use plan, selection of beneficiaries, allotment of land to beneficiaries, preparation of village level project and action plan.
This would get incorporated in the district plans and the State Plan which would be implemented by the line department concerned.
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